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About Our Philosophy

About Our Philosophy

Janet Reynolds is owner of Timeless Treasures, mother of two treasured children, artist, author, poet, biblical researcher, perpetual teacher and student of the cosmos.

Her dream of bringing the studio arts, fine arts, crafts, reading of books, novels, comics, and cards to those who, like herself, thrive on learning, doing, and being, while doing nothing at all, but living and loving life, is brought to life moment by moment at her studio of Timeless Treasures and Antiques.

She welcomes mentors, students, teachers, administrators, friends, family, and strangers alike, with the same warmth and joyful commitment to life that she finds in each and every timeless treasure within her walls. She'll find these also within those who walk through her doors, so as to find the time to share her journey of giving in order to have more to give so she can bless and share this joy of the bliss that she owns while owning nothing, save herself, discovering anew each moment of each day to bless you too.

Janet's Timeless Treasures antiques store and arts studio will “invent itself” as the needs of visitors, journeymen and wayfinders permit - asking with gratitude and allowing the evolution of who they are and what they bring will well-up like a natural spring.

She'll add a little spring to your step and wonders to your essence as you meander or stroll on through the many vibrations and frequencies of the treasures she displays, it's true.

Come play, come sing, come read, come bring your own delight with your special light to uncover your secrets with pure delight.

She'll help you see that we're all one soul and show you you're already whole. From crystals to cards that shine truth through, to teak-root furniture just for you. From monsters to angels to trinkets of truth, her goal is to help you recapture your youth.

So come share the wisdom of all you hold dear of remembrance of pastimes without any fear. She'll laugh with you, cry with you, fly with you too; her dragons are kites up above and they're new.

The movement of air, fire, water, and earth will help you return to the time before birth. The womb that was merciful, dark, and so pure, that all that you were will return - that's for sure!

Janet Reynolds Owner, Curator gavel
Antiques Gallery Drawings Gallery

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